Sunday May 08, 2022
Edvard Grieg, Unitarian
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
In this Mother's Day service, our lay leader, Jennie Dyster focuses on the life, philosophy and music of the Unitarian composer, Edvard Grieg and his wife, the famous soprano, Nina Grieg. Jennie describes Edvard as a man "who never lost the common touch". An inclusive humanism under girded his world view and convictions. Grieg interacted with kings, queens, kaisers and musical geniuses on the same scale of respect and enjoyment as he did with peasants, shepherds, shop-keepers, sailors, farmers and fiddlers. His life and music was concerned with speaking to, uplifting and protecting the precious human spark he recognised within each person. Grieg, the Unitarian - was a man shaped by his quest for spirituality.
Jennie is supported musically by Margaret Lambert whose inspired playing of some of Grieg's best known music also includes the less-well-known but very beautiful "Reflections" that she uncovered whilst preparing the music for this service. Listen on to Jennie's unfolding of the story behind this remarkable Norwegian musician and Unitarian and excerpts from Margaret Lambert's musical tribute to Grieg.
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Weird Ideas
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Today Jennie explores historical examples of how weird, "fringe" ideas and theories may one day find validation through social and scientific consensus to become orthodoxy.
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Out of Step
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Jenny commences her Easter address with a quote from the Unitarian hymn writer and story teller, Sophia Lyons Fahs explaining to children how the Christian Easter stories surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection morphed into what is the lynch-pin of Christian "faith" and "belief", today.
Jenny also links the festivals of the three major Abrahamic religions and Buddhist teachings with the arrival of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, heralding the promise of light, warmth and regeneration.
Jenny's Easter address provides listeners with a clear statement of what Unitarians share with (other) Christians in the core teachings of Jesus to be found within the New Testament and how Unitarians - while "out of step" with mainstream Christianity in rejecting the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and his ascension into heaven, may still draw on the teachings of Jesus to find inspiration and guidance in how we live our lives.
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Our Unitarian Ways
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Jennie Dyster, our Lay Leader's address today is titled "Our Unitarian Ways". Our members were required to vote on an issue affecting our "bush-land" - a very special and biodiverse remnant of Obliqua woodland located in the Adelaide Hills where our bush-carers give practical expression to our Seventh Principle “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”. The service also celebrated our Fifth Principle: "The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large", which guides us in resolving a potentially divisive issue - peacefully and respectfully.
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Jennie - our Lay Leader has been reflecting on clothes - their power to impress others and to oppress the people who make them. Today, Jennie focuses on pockets - fashionable and unfashionable, deep, generous - usually male - pockets and shallow, and female pockets-less generous or missing altogether as "unfeminine and unfashionable". Jennie begins with a quote by Stephanie Dowrick: "Generosity arises out of an intention to care, way beyond the limits of one's own self or the group to which one is immediately attached. It is expressed in a thousand ways ...Giving something up for the sake of someone else...Spreading goodwill and peace".
Jennie's central tenet is that the decisions we make about clothes can help us live out our faith and justice practices. Listen on for much more of Jennie's insightful address.
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
On Sunday, 20th March, 2022, we celebrated the United Nations International Day of Happiness and Jennie Dyster, our Lay Leader chose "happiness" as her theme. Jennie commenced with a reading from the Dutch Author, Guus Kuijer's "Book of Everything". This was followed with some anecdotes that explored the nature of happiness and some of the myths. We finished with a meditation. Listen on for another of Jennie's memorable addresses.
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
The Psychology of Denial
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
My talk today is on the "Psychology of Denial". There's a lot of denial happening lately, especially as State and Commonwealth elections loom.
I begin by asking the question "Why do people deny the blindingly obvious? Why do we, our governments, corporations - large and small - avoid the hard decisions by resorting to denial. We all do it! I refer to Denial and the use of conspiracy theories as lazy ways to face up to the realities of global warming, climate change and species extinction. It's easier to deny - to claim that the evidence is a lie or a conspiracy! We are counting the cost of Denial in unprecedented bushfires and flooding events and the consequential rise of zoonotic diseases as natural environmental systems break down due to human over-population and over-exploitation.
I also look to the causes of Denial by describing the phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance. The term was first used in the classic 1957 study in Social Psychology by the American Psychologist, Leon Festinger - "When Prophecy Fails". If we're really honest with ourselves, we all have cognitive dissonance and denial. It's located somewhere near our "Achilles Heel" - wherever we are at our most vulnerable. Cognitive dissonance occurs when our beliefs and actions aren't supported by the evidence - and especially by the science. I also despair over the loss of "One Vote - One Value" within the Commonwealth of Australia, one of the world's oldest democracies - now more accurately described as "The Corporate-wealth of Australia". Large corporations and land and property developers buy political favours with donations such as 'platinum memberships' and political donations. Governments are weakening - rather than strengthening ICAC protections against political corruption. I also refer to The Red Flag Act (1865-1896) of the Westminster Parliament to explain political procrastination and stone-walling on many urgent environmental issues where we've already reached the tipping point for species extinction. It will include Us! There is no Planet B!
If you decide not to listen to this, you may be in denial and will become part of the problem! Let's all be part of the solution!
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
February Dragon
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Jennie's Address today is called "February Dragon" a reference to Colin Thiele's 1965 novel. Jennie reminds us that the fire season now extends from November to April. Jennie's focus today is on political inertia following the unprecedented fire storms of 2019 to 2021 and the challenges faced by fire fighters. She recalls the political responses made at the peak of these bushfires: by our Prime Minister - "I'm focused on the needs of the people in this room today" - and by an Eastern State's Minister - that "this is not the time for a conversation by people who want to politicise climate change."
As both State and Federal elections draw nigh, Jennie asks - "When is the time?"
In Adelaide - we've enjoyed a comparatively cool and comfortable summer. A war is now raging in the Ukraine. Large areas of the eastern states are flooded, inducing a temporary amnesia, washing away memories of Thiele's February Dragon. Floods and fires are both caused by global warming and climate change. Elections are approaching and many pollies are still mute on the subject. Voters, distracted by war - are left with stone-walling, political inertia and inaction by our leaders. Isn't now the time?!
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
For the Love of Art
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Today's service - "For the Love of Art" is conducted by two of our members, both Art lovers - Janet and Peter Whitham. Janet, an artist since childhood - talks about her love of painting, the joy of sharing her art amongst her family and friends and seeing it displayed in local restaurants and impromptu galleries that have sprung up to display the works of local artists such as herself.
Peter's contribution focuses on the inspirational, religious art of Renaissance Italy, that spanned two centuries. He reflects on the al-fresco and other masterpieces of Giotto, Masaccio, Michaelangelo, del Castagno, Fra Angelico, Raffaello and Tintoretto - inspired by such biblical references as the temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the life of Jesus. Their works progressively elevate us from being mere "puppets" that reinforce religious dogma to reflect a growing, humanistic regard for us as "creatures of emotion and intellect".
Peter also focuses on the art of Northern Europe such as Jan van Eyck, Grunewald (Crucifixion) and Albrecht Dürer and reflects on the impact of viewing such masterpieces as Rembrandt's "The Night Watch" in the Rijksmuseum.
Listen to the reflections of these two Art Lovers - one finding inspiration and joy in creating it - both drawing inspiration from it.
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
The Legacy of Thích Nhất Hạnh
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Sunday Feb 13, 2022
Today, Jennie 's address is on the legacy left by the Vietnamese-born Zen Buddhist Master - Thích Nhất Hạnh who died recently - on Jan 22nd 2022 - aged a venerable 95. Thích Nhất Hạnh was widely mourned and leaves a legacy of universal wisdoms. It was Thích Nhất Hạnh who developed the concept of "Engaged Buddhism" - non-violent actions that effectively tackle the evils of the world. Listen on for an inspiring address by Jennie Dyster, our pastoral Leader.