Sunday Jul 09, 2023
What’s the harm in Sin?
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Today we welcome Kris back from leave as our Minister. In his address today, titled - What's the harm in Sin? Kris explores the concept of "Sin", historically. He probes our understanding of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Cardinal sins, and such concepts as Passion, and Conscience - before mentioning the positives - the Seven Virtues.
The concept of "Sin" has changed. There are more useful concepts and principles to guide our behaviour. Kris concludes with a gentle Buddhist insight.
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Aaron takes us out of our comfort zone to explore a richer experience of Light & Dark and other binaries such as "Good & Evil", "Happy & Sad", Nihilism & Existentialism. Aaron questions why we fear darkness, a fear - reinforced by religion, as synonymous with evil.
In today's address, Aaron takes us "beyond the binary" to explore the richness to be had in the realisation that the "Light" needs the "Dark" - and as with any of the other binaries, we only fully understand one through experiencing its opposite.
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Peace in the Promised Land - Part 2: ”Blessed are the Peacemakers”
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Eran begins his address today, with a quote from a Beatitude in the Gospel of St Matthew - "Blessed are the Peacemakers...". Eran talks passionately and evocatively about his birthplace, Israel - and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine which he has experienced firsthand. Eran also outlines the many ongoing peace initiatives that will eventually restore peace to these Holy Lands of Islam, Judaism, Christianity - and Unitarians, and to being truly "Holy" for all. It will happen providing we peacemakers - and our children don't give up - it might take generational change!
Eran also challenges us to support these peace initiatives and shows us how. "Blessed are the Peacemakers - for they will be called Children of God!"
Eran ends his address with a quote from Peacemaker, Amos Oz: "Conflict begins and ends in the hearts and minds of people - not in the hilltops."
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Black and White Part 2
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Following on from Jennie's address on the 7th May, 2023 - in today's address - Part 2 of "Black and White", Jennie summarises the historical background to the approaching "Voice" referendum, including an extract from "The Uluru Statement from the Heart".
Jenny informs us about the nature of the forthcoming referendum and recognises the plight of Aboriginal people when we - as a nation - have been deaf to the voices of Aboriginal leaders in the past. Jennie also pays tribute to the spiritual input of poets like Oodgeroo Noonuccal (Kath Walker) and Judith Wright.
If you are still to decide on "The Voice", this address of Jennie's is not to be missed!
Monday Jun 05, 2023
My Unitarian Journey
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
This address - on Sunday, 4th June, 2023, is about my journey following WW2 from my childhood as an "accidental Presbyterian", and my growth, spiritually - within loving church communities.
As the conservative biblical view of creation - in Genesis was challenged by science, my growing cognitive dissonance as an adult has led me to the discovery of Unitarianism and the partial resolution of that dissonance.
I'm still making that spiritual journey:-
- less dissonant;
- influenced by liberal theologians, and -
- a Christian legacy of Love,
- inspired by creative genius in Art, Music and Architecture;
- the stories that Christianity has inspired;
- surrounded still by tolerant, forgiving and loving Christian and Unitarian communities.
Sunday May 28, 2023
Effective Fundraising for Charities
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Today's service was led by Jennie Dyster with our Guest Speaker, Kathryn House - introduced by Noel Fraser. Kathryn's talk today was a treasure trove of ideas for effective fundraising for charities. That it can be done collectively by a team working together with a common purpose makes fundraising so much more rewarding. Listen on for Kathryn's anecdotes and wisdom on planning for successful fundraising - as well as some cautions.
Sunday May 21, 2023
Exploring our sense of living in a pluralistic world
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Today we have an address from Liellie McLaughlin of the Interfaith Forum titled: "Exploring our sense of living in a pluralistic world". We are also privileged to have Allen Edwards, a local Kaurna man - to welcome us to Kaurna country.
Liellie's uplifting address today, embraces - and celebrates - our spiritual diversity. She poses several questions at the outset, that lie at the core of her address:-
- How can we explore our sense of living in a pluralistic world?
- What's preparing you for it?
- How do you feel about it?"
Liellie concludes with the words: "Ubuntu - We are because you are"..."May your own moments of transcendance, transformation, transportation bring you to those incredible moments when you feel that there are no strangers in the world and that we are all connected." Listen on!
Sunday May 14, 2023
Speaking without Speaking
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
In lighting our chalice this morning Aaron sets the theme of his address: - a flame that is "Speaking without Speaking" ".... speaking to us without a single word, showing us vibrancy, hope, warmth, and spirit; its centered-ness, centering us, its light given freely. May we share the best of ourselves as freely as this humble flame."
Today, Mothers' Day - Aaron focuses on the importance and power of communication that doesn't need to be spoken - that transcends speech! ...And it is not to be missed!
Tuesday May 09, 2023
”Black and White”
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Jennie's address on Sunday was "Black and white" - about (racial) inequality and how it can so easily become culturally entrenched.
Jenny refers to Thomas Piketty's "The Brief History of Equality" - that there are reasons for us to be optimistic that we are moving towards global Equality and Justice. But oh, how slowly!
As an example of how racism can become so easily entrenched, Jennie discusses the racial assumptions underlying "Golliwoggs" - at a time when Afro-Americans were caricatured by the toy - but "had neither the motivation and the confidence to object to the design". There were even "white guys (minstrels) impersonating black guys" to make money. To further entrench the racism, the minstrel became a toy - a Golliwogg - and even a trademark!
Listen on for Jennie's exploration of this"trough" in our journey toward racial equality and justice. Picketty - an optimist? Listen on!
Friday May 05, 2023
Questioning the Seven Principles
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
In her Address last Sunday, 30th April, Jennie questioned the value and relevance of the 7 UU Principles. Passion is needed to enliven their blandness: "high-minded but remote"... "not necessarily spiritual"... "Jolly fine secular values that any liberal thinker would generally agree with".
These 7 UU Principles also fail to give guidance. Splendid goals - but not the path nor the tools for Spiritual Growth. They need an injection of Love, Curiosity, Respect, Justice, Transformation, Generosity, Equity...
While Universalism is unobjectionable, it's just not historically or theologically relevant to our Church here.
"We need our own," Jennie concludes. You may - or may not agree.
Listen on for those observations that have led her to that conclusion!